So I sit and wait for the hubby to come home-to the hotel that is. We are in the Twin Cities. We arrived yesterday. The luggage was delayed and the car rental took forever. We drove away with a Chrysler Sebring Convertible. N was like a little kid so excited! I was morose and kinda bitchy because my hair was ratting up so bad and I had less than a half hour till my interview.
We ran into the hotel. I went “phish-phish” and started to pull knots out of the hair. I gave my hubby the dirtiest look for not recognizing my big fat hint of laying the suit on the ironing bard and turning on the iron. He promptly ironed the suit.
We raced into Minneapolis for the interview. Within minutes I was seated and the hiring managers were in talking to me. I was sweating because I had run so fast to get there on time. I am such a “sweater” I hate it. They felt bad and moved me into another room.
Overall the interview seemed to go very well. I was at ease! I was not nervous at all. In retrospect, there are a few pointers or note to self… Stop being so open with strangers. Being a social service agency in a major city that is undergoing so major changes, the topic of diversity was brought up several times. I used it as an opportunity to share the fact that not only am I a compassionate social workers and comfortable with all walks of life, but I have personal experience…blah,blah,blah. I think I may have gotten a little too personal. Maybe not?! There is such a fine line in the social service world. Overall I think it went well. I am very interested in the job. Much more “corporate” than I am used to.
A tornado hit down Minneapolis while we were at dinner. We were not affected. I have spent a good part of my day watching the news media spin the next blockbuster, I mean hurricane. It is so sickening. The media has lost all ethical standards. I am so disgusted that the media has such power to influence and uses such bait and scare tactics. Sensationalism is at its all time worst.
What really pisses me off is the coverage of Katrina. For days and days we were spoon fed images of terror, of thousands (10,000) bodies floating in the waters. The disaster was huge and was extremely devastating-don’t get me wrong. But, why such senseless lies? Sensationalizing death tolls in the thousands when the reality was much, much, much smaller is WRONG! There are no two ways about it. You play with people’s minds, induce fear and terror, misrepresent, and lose all ethical standards. And we Americans can’t figure out why the rest of the world hates us!? Just give me the facts, please! I think I might just kill my television.