
So, so tired.

Every night I fall asleep with musing in my head. Long, perfectly written and witty journal entries fill my mind and I swear, “I’ll post that first thing in the morning.”

Morning comes and I’m jolted into fast speed and then launched right back into bed 16 hours later. I start each morning with slight nausea, but still no morning sickness mash’Allah. I convince myself that a shower really is a good thing despite my desire to sleep the extra thirty minutes. I swallow some pills, put together a sorry excuse of a lunch and out the door I go.

Once I enter the work vortex, it’s never ending chaos. This crazy work schedule has it’s advantages and disadvantages. The fact that the day seems to go exceedingly fast is most advantageous. This despite this caffeine addict’s forced pregnancy-induced with drawl from caffeine! Furthermore, I am constantly moving in circles, visiting one part of the building or another throughout the entire day, this has to count toward my recommended daily exercise, right? And, I am now, for the first time in my life, forcing myself to sit down and have lunch each and every day. Mental note, this is a practice I must forever maintain. Nothing is too important to miss lunch, right?

The downside is that this pace is physically and mentally exhausting, thus my desire to sleep ten hours a day and my inability to post any of my brilliant thoughts.

Pre pregnancy, I made attempts to reach out into the community with hopes of meeting some new people. I joined a book club which is rockin-cool. We ladies found each other on Craig’s list and we are an awesome pool of gal power. I may or may not have already mentioned, but I’m too lazy to re-read my boring posts to find out, so here it is: we are one part chemist, one part high-school shop teacher, one part web designer, one part geologist and one part social service administrator. Again, how cool is that!? We just finished What is the What by Dave Eggers. This is about one Sudanese boy’s (Valentino) survival during of his village take-over which was the start of the years long war still being fought today in Darfur. The book takes us on a dreadful and heart wrenching journey through Valentino’s ten year-old eyes as he and hundreds of other orphaned boys dubbed the Lost Boys trek thousands of miles through Sudan to Ethiopia and ultimately Kenya. The journey lasts nearly a year and ends with many many lost boys dead to lion attacks, starvation, malaria, crocodile attacks, land mines and the like. Once at refugee camps, life is full of sadness and hunger for a period of ten years. Finally, the boys are invited to live in the states. There they find that life is very complex and tough.

Whoa it’s waaaay past my bed time. More on my museum adventures and updates on my recovery from my alcoholic upbringing as I continue to journey through the steps of Al Anon.


At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is good to hear from you. Pregnancy will make you tired. During my lunch breaks I would run down to my car (in a gated parking lot) and nap. I was so tired it was the only way I could make it through the day.

At 10:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't push yourself too hard and don't worry about posts...we are here and praying for you...

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Masti-boy said...

And is it boy or girl... Please vist my blog to keep yourself happy...


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Baji said...

Kim- naps in your car??? It must have been summer, huh?

Masti-thank you, you're kind.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, not summer. I was so warm all the time and tired I just bundled up and took my nap. I would tell my coworkers were I was and if I was late coming back from lunch to call me. I would set the alarm on my phone so I was not late.

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Baraka said...


I just joined my first book club & we're reading Zadie Smith's "On Beauty" - one of the best novels to come around in a really long time.


At 2:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to you for joining the book club! They sound like a great group!

I'm sorry that you're getting tired & that your work pace isn't really helping...you must always do what's best for you, now. # 1 priority, gal. AND in addition to lunch, you should probably be eating snacks in between -- nuts, string cheese (don't laugh -- it's recommended quite a bit by South Beach Diet -- PLUS you NEED your calcium!). Take care...do NOT skimp on meals, rest, sleep, or any of it...you must take care of my little niece/nephew zygote-fetus-baby (hey, you know me, all childfree...I'm not sure of your stage or the baby's, so I got my bases covered!)


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