

**Election yielded some awesome results, makes me proud to be an American. Alhumdalilah, Keith Ellison, Muslim convert is first Muslim to be elected to Congress. I can’t wait to see the thumpin’ Curious George is gonna get in the next two years!

**I committed a huge faux pas via e-mail. I responded to an old co-worker at the wrong e-mail address basically dogging my old boss and place of employment. E-mail went to old co-worker’s old e-mail address and was intercepted by old boss. Woke up Saturday to a nasty-ol e-mail from old boss. Decided I had nothing to lose at that point and spent two days devising counter-attack e-mail. Boy-oh-boy, what’s done is done, eh?

**Fell ill with flu. Was disappointed when it ended with advent of menstrual period, thought perhaps nausea could be sign of pregnancy.

**Baby talk becoming more and more of a B-side topic of conversation; husband bought an electric guitar is response. Pray for some Thanksgiving-time lovin’ y’all.

Peace Out.