
Shan to the Rescue

Today was day two at work. I rushed home to do step four of five of my grand plan to clean the house in preparation of Mom’s visit on Thursday. After completing this, I contemplated what I could make for day three at work in which there is going to be a farewell party potluck. Exhausted, I had no interest in cooking anything. Dun, dun dunnahhhh…Shan to the rescue! I quickly whipped up some Chanay/Cholay with Chat Masala, thanks to my superhero friend, Shan.

This brought back memories of one of those competitive super-woman moments. On several occasions I would marvel at my hubby’s cousin’s cooking. Knowing that she, too, was a very busy professional, I marveled how she must be in the kitchen at un-Godly hours preparing her biryani, kofta, haleem, etc. All I knew was that my MIL made everything from scratch and the food tasted marvelous, but the process was no joke. The hostess/cook would just nod and smile and take my compliments without ever answering my question of how she was able to accomplish such a feat. For this, I was very jealous.

Then one evening, another guest questioned the hostess as to whether or not she was using Shan? The conversation then switched to Urdu. All smiles and laughter, all I heard was “Gi…Han……Shan…..Shan…Shan” and a lot of words I didn’t understand.

“Who is Shan”, I thought to myself? It sounded like the Irish name of “Shawn”. Was there an Irishman making her food? Was Shan a restaurant on Devon Street? Is Shan a Desi Aunty catering her food?

Ever so curious, I couldn’t help, but be impolite. On the drive home I turned to my hubby and asked him if he knew of this “Shan” person. He rolled with laughter at my exasperation. “Hon, it’s the Desi cheat sheet or cliff notes of cooking. C’mon I’ll take you to the store and get you some.”

Hallelujah, I love my buddy, Shan! But, hide him before your MIL comes!


At 11:46 PM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

Shan made many marriages work !!

"Sub behnon ke bhai -
Shan bhai Shan bhai"

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Aisha said...

lol Shan was a life savor in the beginning but i warn you they use MSG so use it sparingly :)

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Baraka said...

Shan is awesome in a pinch & as a beginner!!

My mum is the same way - everything from scratch but now that she's moved to the US she sometimes uses that desi cheat sheet too ;)

At 11:56 AM, Blogger wayfarer said...

lol! I've always called them the Desi Hamburger Helper. I'm not big on them though except the haleem one. You crack me up though.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Southern Masala said...

Lol, there is no other way to go!

At 3:14 PM, Blogger J Lev said...


I like Shan but sparingly, cause ive had a few accidents when i forgot that they already have added salt. And a lot of it too. So, i nearly cried when my dishes turned out to be inedible heart-attack material.

At 2:49 AM, Blogger luckyfatima said...

Oh my god this post had me cracking up! irish man?

LOL ROlling on the floor!!!!

Yes, shaan masala zindabaaaaad! Long live our dear Irish friend!

At 12:23 PM, Blogger que sera sera said...

LOL :)

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am guilty too of using Shan when I not suppose too.

Hey ever thought about selling your idea to Shan Advertising agency?

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where r u?


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