
Broken Reality

I recently went with a friend to see Brokeback Mountain. She and I went in with the expectation that it would be a stereotypical portrayal of homosexuality. Despite our presumptions, we went to see what all the hype was about.

I must say that I was very impressed. The cinematography and music were quite pleasing. The actors were very passionate and the overall feel of the movie was that of slow, low riding and quiet challenge of the viewers’ understanding of same sex love.

I appreciated the behind the scenes portrayal of same sex love. The characters were not depicted as stereotypical “flaming” or other traits one may associate with gay men. The characters were that of our brothers, uncles, friends, and unfortunately husbands.

In Brokeback Mountain, both men led dual lives as husbands and fathers. The wives were oblivious to the fact that their husbands were indeed acting in a sexual affair while out hunting and fishing with their buddies.

Like it or not, this behavior does take place in every society. It is the enshrouded secrets that lead to problems such as sexually transmitted diseases spreading to married women and their unborn children.

One does not have to condone same sex behaviors. At the very least, we should be aware that men and women of all cultures and religions lead secret lives of duality and engage in risky behaviors. It is time for dialogue. For these problems have always existed and will only get worse without proper education and communication.


At 6:08 AM, Blogger luckyfatima said...

dear u r oh so right...and one major consequence of the reality of not being more accepting of "alternative" lifestyles is exactly as you say.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

Very impressive writting. Best post from you so far in way of flow of words.

Agree with content 100%

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

Good post. I realy want to see this. For my hubby its his new saying between his friends "dude why are you so sensetive? dont go all broke back mountain on me"" sheesh. but no one wants to see it. Hubbs says its a rental.

I dont know if homosexuality is a choice or if its a natural thing. But I know unhappy desi women married to gay men. And their life is miserable. She is the one who suffers bc her husband can't come out of the closet. In some ways I feel that we can help people and deal with the situation without condoning it if that's what some people are up a wall against when trying to help such people. It's up to God to judge. We have to deal with the realities of our world.

Good post:)

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Trailady said...

If my husband turned up gay, I would end the marriage. I did not save myself for him and marry him to share him with any other woman or man. I have no desire to see a film about two men having intimate relations. I thought Muslims frowned on such behavior?

At 12:01 AM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

Sorry to comment twice on same post but it is interesting and controversial topic.

I had a very good female friend in pakistan (very talented and actually journalist for country's top newspaper). She married to a desi boy from abroad, left her bright career but just to return 3 years later. One fine evening of karachi's breeze she told me, her husband was a gay and married under family pressure. Interestingly, she had no bad words for him and actually was appreciative of his love and concern. At that time of my life, I was 100% anti-gay but I think now after living so many years in this country, I can understand the plight of both sides.

I feel sad to see ads. at desi marriage sites when it quote "seeking marriage of convenience due to social pressure". I met one young desi girl who tried to cut her radial artery due to her sexuality confusion.

We better open dialogue now irrespective of our believes to save happiness of those who are queer or those who get attached by arrange marriages to such person.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Baji said...

Lucky, Mystic, Aisha, and Trailady:

Yes, I am not sure myself if choices are made or if people are "born" with these tendencies. Myself and my family have a lot of gay friends and family members.

My hubby even has an openly gay cousin. Being gay poses many problems when one begins to think about how it fits into religious practices and how it offends God's creation of us as beings capable of procreating and the sanctity of marriage, etc.

Despite all this and whether or not one can agree with this behavior, people engage in homosexual acts and have for hundreds of years.

The point is that we need to first begin by talking about it. Shunning it does not make anything go away. Unfortunately it just increases problems. And, problems tend to multiply in closed societies and in societies where women feel that they don't have a voice.

Thanks for visiting, Trailady. I do feel that everyone can benefit by exploring topics, despite one's feelings about them.



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