
Take Two

I was anxiously awaiting the return phone call regarding a particular job I very much desired. Turns out, it was not meant for me. The woman had called to tell me first-hand that she was sorry that she was not able to offer the job. She was very kind and complimenting me and said that there was just one more person with a little more experience. She reassured me that my resume was impressive and that I interviewed very well. She said that she had another possible opportunity in mind that she would advise me of.

I was crushed. I really wanted this and failed. My hubby handled it very lightly and I felt like screaming. But, he reminded me that Allah wants what is best and that I did my best, the rest is in Allah’s hands.

Maybe I do need this time to relax and do some long-overdue soul searching. For this time, I am grateful.

On the brighter side, my hubby and I had a relaxing weekend. Also, I applied for and was accepted into a training. It is a six week course in which I will learn about housing policies. I am very excited about the opportunity to learn and meet new people.

On a sad note, I read an article titled: Selective abortion blamed for India's missing girls. The link: http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticleSearch.aspx?storyID=15491+09-Jan-2006+RTRS&srch=india+abortion

This follows Aisha’s discussion about a movie calld Pinjar which depicts the horrors of a gender biased society which forces many to fear the birth of a female baby. I am shocked to say the least. Admittedly, I assumed that the problem discussed was remnants of ancient cultural practices which take a long time to dissolve in Third World nations. What the article points out is that the practice of selective gender-based abortion I on the rise with the advent of access ultra sound machines. I cannot believe that people have access to such technology, but still behave in such barbaric ways.

Alhumdalilah, I am grateful that women are valued in Islam and such practices are prohibited in the Quran.


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

Baji. I'm so sorry about the job situation. That's interesting that your husband took it lightly because I had a similar situation and my hubby too said the same thing. They dont understand the female need to vent and for someone to say "damn right that sucks!!" :) I also had to give up working and stay at home for a while... so I understand that frustration... but things will work out I promise.... I wasted too much time during my time off work feeling frustrated.... This too will end :) Hang in there sis...

At 12:42 PM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

I think you should enjoy your time reading books, watching movies etc. You may not get all this time again.Spend time with "yourself"


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