
Nice to meet you Muslim, I mean M'aam

Where do I begin? I have a whole new schedule with the new job. I love the new job. I am a program director for a social service agency. The agency is much larger than I am used to working with. This has its pros and cons. The main pro is an increase in resources, which means much larger staff, budgets, money for office supplies, creamer for the coffee and support services for the participants/clients. The main cons are the constraints from government policy and bureaucracy which can mean a loss of creativity.

The office where I am located (there are many in the agency as a whole) is a crazy maze with mis-matched furnishings and complete with an amazing staff. I love the office and staff. The good thing is that my boss is in another location, so the buck stops at me so to speak. The bad thing is that I am replacing err succeeding a woman who has an amazing shadow. She has stayed in the industry, but happens to now work for the entity issuing our main grant/contract (government). I am constantly reminded that I have some big shoes to fill. I can’t help but feel a little nervous about being watched and literally monitored by her. And, all the staff has made it clear that they miss her. But, I know she has laid a great foundation which should make for an easy transition upwards.

The staffs as I said earlier are an amazingly diverse and hard-working group. I have had the positive experience of sitting down with each person and having a one-on-one meeting. The great thing about working in a social service field is that we can celebrate diversity and one’s personal accomplishments and unique experiences that they bring to the work place.

I have never been so immersed in diversity. For once I am seen as symbol of diversity as well. I am in an area that is hyper-sensitive (esp. within this social service agency) to the presence of Muslims because of the large number of East African refugees, many of whom are Muslims. I now carry my husband’s last name and people are very reactive to the new white boss-lady with a Muslim name.

Overall, everyone has shown nothing but warmth and acceptance. At times I feel a little uncomfortable for the spectacle of sorts that I have become. I’m sure my recent insecurities and fatigue as a result of adjusting to my new role compound these feelings ten-fold.

There have been a few interesting interactions. Like, the woman who questioned, “How could YOU be a Muslim?” upon just hearing my last name. Presumably, using one’s last name now gives license for one to question religiosity and one’s appearance (i.e. Gora without hijab) also defines one’s relationship to God. Here, I just smiled and swallowed hard, trying to wipe the redness from my cheeks.

In another incident, I was sitting in around a crammed board-room table for a work-related meeting. Before the meeting starts, the facilitator introduces me as the newcomer to the agency. Upon hearing my name, the gentleman next to me (presumably Muslim because his name was “Muhammad”), says, in a very loud voice for all to hear, “Oh! I didn’t know you were Muslim!” He proceeds to pull his chair away from the desk as to be sure not to touch me. Am I plagued? Should he be touching non-Muslim women?

It is all amusing to me because I have always assumed the role as dedicated, hard-working, passionate, but quiet woman. And, now I feel like I am being thrust into a more extroverted role, shouting look at me! God works in mysterious ways.


At 7:55 PM, Blogger Surviving said...

I'm happy to hear things are going well for you at your new job!!

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That must be annoying. I think Svend has a good deal with his name. He doesnt have to share unless he feels like it. Having a muslim name throws you out there, like hijab, like an ID card with RELIGION stamped on it. And as for "everyone else", they don't really HAVE a religion. THey're just normal people, right ...
Hypervisibility - ouch.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger musicalchef said...

Sounds like an interesting job. Good luck!

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Southern Masala said...

This was a really interesting post because I was just having the discussion with M the other day as to whether I should change my name. He said no because he thought it would affect my job search. Unfortunately, we both feel like his name may have hurt his job search here. Lets just say that when people see the last name Husain, they don't tend to think good things. I guess I will wait awhile until I am more established in my career before I think about it. Congrats on the new job, it sounds like it will be really exciting!

At 12:26 AM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

It was good to hear back from you and with such a good post.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger J Lev said...

Salams Baji
I miss you!

"How could YOU be a Muslim?" By the Grace of Allah, that's how. ;)

I hope everything is going well for you. Lots of love. Take care dear. XOX!

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

Glad to hear things are going good. btw lol at the muslim name comment. I hugn out with wayfarer a few times and I saw it come up, lol... I couldnt believe it.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Huda said...

"How could YOU be Muslim?"

I would want to say, how could I not?

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Baji said...

ha, ha, thanks for all the support. I am sorry to have been slacking more than usual in blog-land. I hope all are well. I always read your blogs even though I neglect mine.

Surviving-are you taking good care of yourself!?

Koonj-Mash'Allah, congratulations on your beautiful choti.


Opiniated-Hi! Keep 'em coming, your writing is hilarious.

Southern-I too, debated on taking my husband's name. I did not change it right away. As a matter of fact, I am still in the painful process of changing everything over. Having been a professional woman for some time prior to hubby, it was a difficult switch. In some fields like social services, it is a welcomed thing to be of "minority" status. Well, at least in this state, it seems.

Mystic-where did your go?

Um Mahtab-miss you! Hope you are well!

Aisha-Great to hear from you! You have witnessed this same reaction to other goras, huh? Too funny.


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Baji said...

LOL, it was a "condition of hire" :-) Great timing, eh?

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

asalaam alaikum warahmat Allah sister,
i stumbled across your blog and enjoyed reading your article "Breathe". Allah tells us to wear hijab in the Quran not just for the sake of modesty, but actually so we may be known! So Allah is willing people around you to know that you are a Muslimah, even without hijab. SubhanAllah! :-) Another thing, I looked up your profile..and you have a typo error..you wrote you are "a child of Allah.." instead of SERVANT of Allah. OOPS!! I encouage you to change it quickly as you i'm sure you know how people are quick to say that this is what Muslims believe, when this is the thing we oppose strongly.

may Allah reward you..


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