
A Name Does Not Tell the Whole Story

During our Shadi, Ammi was introducing me to a woman who was a friend of the family. The woman asked Ammi, “What is her name? (In English as if I wasn’t standing right there.)” Ammi replies with my name and the woman says. “Well then she is not a muslim.” How rude! I was more offended for my MIL and hurt that I was being judged this way after all of the compromises I had made. Who was she to say what my beliefs were?

I have not taken a muslim name yet. N and family have been extremely supportive of this. I am still on my path to conversion and they are very respectful and supportive of my choices. N and I have been married for over two years and they have not pushed me in any way. When I take another name, I will seek their guidance.

I cannot lie and say that the thought of being called another name doesn’t bother me. My name as everybody else’s means a lot to me. My parents gave me this name after careful consideration. I am named after my grandmother and her name is found in the bible as a person close to Moses. The spelling of my name is unique and has a lot of meaning to my mother. I will take a second name as a proclamation of my faith; but, I will expect to known by both names, so not to forget who I am, where I came from nor to disrespect my parents and grandparents.


At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe me, Islam has nothing to do with names...its more cultural.

None of the person changed his name on conversion to islam 1400 years ago.

Just follow your heart !!

(BTW I know a lady, she changed her middle name to muslim but kept her first name as it is..)

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is what I did.

At 12:29 AM, Blogger Dem Soldier said...

Agreed with the two posters above..

Very rude......

Its up to if U want to change or not...All names are ok in Islam...Actions are what matter....

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Baraka said...

Name changing is hardly a prerequisite to beng a "real" Muslim (whatever that means). It really irritates me when people makes comments like that woman did. *sigh*

My husband did not change his name & though many Muslims are surprised by it, the get over it. What's most important is one's iman & character.

Lots of hugs & support,

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Aisha said...

I had a friend Courtney who converted to Islam and she didn't change her name because she said that would be the ultimate slap in her parents face .I agree. There is nothing in Islam that says you have to chang eyour name. Infact my cousin married a girl named christina who converted but kept her name. Christina! :) You dont have to change your name! I really hope you won't because its just giving into culture and far distant for the religion.

The woman who judged you because of your name and talked about you like you werent there is just another shallow minded lady in the community. Don't give her words any thought.

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I right to assume that by "muslim name" she really means Arabic name? Or does she mean a name found in the Koran?

I do think this is cultural, b/c I've been married to a North African Muslim for four years and have never heard of anyone changing their name upon conversion. I've considered converting and changing my name has never been brought up as part of it.

Popped over from Sobia's.


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