

I do love him, I do...

Me: "Hon what time is your appt. tomorrow?"
DH: "10:30"
Me: "So we need to be up by 9:30"
DH: "No we should get up by 8:30 or 9"

I ignore this because we have been through this routine a million times. And at 9:30, I get up and shower and proceed...

Me: "Hon" (as I am lovingly scratching his back so not to upset) "Sweetie it is quarter to 10"
Me: Repeat earlier step. "Hon it is 10"
Me: Again.
Me: "Do you want me to leave you be?"
DH: "Yes"
Me: "So you are not going to your appt.?"
DH: "That wasn't the question"
Me: "But if I leave you alone, you will fall asleep, miss your appt. and it will be my fault.
DH: "That is true"
Me: In the nicest way possible b/c of fasting "I can't believe you just sleep through your appts."
DH: Sleep and silent treatment for an hour
Me : An hour later "Baba, please don't get upset, let's get up"
DH: "you called me useless"
Me: What? "I said you sleep through appts. I did not call you useless"

MEN! If this is a man, what will children be like?

I love him, I do, he is just so spoiled sometimes :-)


At 1:31 PM, Blogger pghjezebel said...

Hm...sounds exactly like someone else I know. MY husband! :)

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Jaycie said...

I think children are easier to raise than husbands. haha Do you think it's a desi thing... these momma's boys. lol

At 6:13 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

when hubbs said "we're not ready to have kids" I'm always tempted to add "why not? I'm doing fine with raising the one I've got" (i.e: him!) :)


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