
MIL Round III, Chapter 1

Oh I don’t want to complain, but I feel my blood pressure rising. I just might explode if I don’t release the pressure valve. Oh yeah, that’s why I have a blog…

Let me preface by saying that I love my MIL dearly. My MIL and FIL have provided me so much love, consideration, benefit-of-the-doubt and many, many gifts. But, at the end-of-the-day, I must declare the honeymoon over and bemoan the in-law blues.

I am still in shock over the length of time my MIL will be staying. I mean, oops, no one informed me nor my hubby and surprise, you have an in-house visitor for 4.5 months! Yep, you heard me right-1/3 of my year. I am very hurt for a lot of reasons. I am upset about the presumptuous notion that we had nothing else scheduled for our first summer here in this new state. Or better, yet, the presumption that all our activities would/should be scheduled with MIL in tow and revolve around my hubby’s family and friends.

Already, I am struggling with the fact that I have moved far from my family and friends and that I know no one here. Now, I have “lost” my hubby to his mama and all my future social activities involve his friends and family.

What about our plans to take weekend drives and find new camping sites? What about the long line of “our” friends and my family that wanted to visit this summer. I mean ¼ of a year especially given the fact that we live in an arctic region is a big commitment. I feel that her visits always drive a wedge between me and my/our friends and family because they are not part of the “exclusive” tight knit-hand-stamped Pakistani circle. I fear alienation and loneliness. I fear that I continue to lose my identity little by little.

Maybe our long-awaited honeymoon in Venice from two weeks ago was really the end of the "me and hubby" era. I mean let’s tell the truth, she was sent for such a long period of time for many, many reasons, which I’m sure we’ll discuss over the months. But, the number one agenda item is to set me up for pregnancy. I’m sad, excited, curious, scared.

My life is truly all about family at this point. Once you have children, you truly cross over from “friends in love who happen to be married” to parents and providers of the grandchildren, nephews and nieces, etc. Removed from my family and friends and being in a strange place, these thoughts are intimidating and doubtful.



At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just came over from sometimessobia.blogspot.com and guess what...you girls are related!

Step over to her blog to see what I mean :-)

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Surviving said...

4 1/2 months does seem like an awfully long visit. I'm not sure having in laws in my house would help with getting any pregnancy started, lol. I'll email you later today.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger pixie said...

Wow, that is a long stay. Maybe she'll get bored and leave early.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

wait. 4.5 months with no notice?? set you up for pregnancy? I'm confused. You're not pregnant yet so she's not there to help with the baby when it comes in 4.5 months. She's going to help you get pregnant? Huh? That doesnt really involve her presence does it? Infact that could hinder things know what I mean, lol? Is FIL there too?

I feel your pain here, not that its ever happened to me but when a family member like that is there, you can't be free with your husband, and its a weird situation.

I guess I'm confused what the agenda is. The pregnancy thing is odd. I understand the whole feeling isolation from the 'pakistani community. Heck I feel it and I'm Pakistani!

I'm sorry that happened. It's the downside of marrying a guy from Pakistan that MIL and FIL's can't seem to let go. In some ways its nice and I know when you complain you do care for them simultaneously ... but still everything has its place... and 4.5 months is a bit much, even if it was your own mom who showed up at your doorstep.

Hang in there Baji!

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, she is there to make sure you get pregnant. I'm glad you saw that ha ha. She also just wants to get all in your business. I hope you are still friends with her at the end. I also hope she doesn't drive a wedge between you and hubby. MIL's seem to want all the attention. I'm glad my MIL is leaving soon,but maybe your's isn't like mine and all.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger The DP said...

Hang in there! 4.5 months is insane. I love my MIL but we both know we have a six week limit. I am so confused over the four months thing.
I know how it feels to want "me time" and "me and husband" time.


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