
Why I Hate Recycling...

Would someone please tell me why oh why my MIL feels the need to “save” everything as if she were saving a kitten from imminent death?

My MIL cannot stand to waste at any cost. This leaves me with cupboards toppling over with used cans, jars, bundles of newspapers, used sporks-you name it!

It drives me insane! At first I thought it was the coolest thing that she was the modern recycler and that we were learning to makes use out of our trash. I agree that we Americans are far too wasteful and I agree with recycling.

What I can’t seem to agree with is reliving my dirty fast-food secrets over and over. For example: I open up my pantry to locate some flour. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong!

The flour, five varieties of dal, the fried onions, the sugar, you name it, are each carefully wrapped and tucked into random KFC, Ragu and Wendy’s containers. This “storage” system makes absolutely no sense to me and makes me so angry. How the hell am I supposed to find the damn flour I want to scream, but I smile and bite my tongue one more time.

I opened up my cupboard to pull out a pan to fry an egg with. I am greeted with mounds of newspapers and old-junk mail envelopes, which are carefully stuffed between each pan, and it’s lid. She stands over me, telling me to be careful not to scrape the pans. “They are pans for God’s sake, they DON’T have feelings.”

Every once in awhile my hubby will interject. He will scream and go on a rampage and start pitching the plastic sporks, JC Penny fliers and KFC buckets into the trash.

The next morning, the twice-over garbage will be found washed and placed right back at their original place. My MIL has an obsession with “saving” the trash and cannot and will not let it go. While my MIL is here, the beautiful home that both DH and I work so hard to create is turned into the junk-yard found at Sanford and Son.

Help! I’m drowning in my own consumption.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger Surviving said...

That would definately drive me crazy. I don't even like my husband messing with things in the kitchen. I know where I like things and that is where I want them to stay!
You could try either going to bed to later or getting up earlier then her when the garbage is due to be picked up and clean it all out. That way she doesn't have a chance to retrieve it. Or get your husband to take her out somewhere while you clean it all out and take it where she can't get at it.

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Erin M said...

my MIL grew up under the guidance of a Depression Era housewife. The Pack-ratiness is out of control. She hoards everything until one of us takes it ujpon ourselves to clean out her stock pile while she's away visiting. My FIL is just as bad and I wont set foot in his barn as I've had visions of my own death from the 300lbs of hammer handles falling on top of me

At 12:12 AM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

typical desi mentality...

One of my co-worker's MIL will bring neighbour's trash inside to find good stuff...atleast your MIL playing with your own..

Is she staying there forever?

At 2:31 AM, Blogger Jaycie said...

Well.. my mil is not that bad.. but really my dh knew if his parent's were going to live with us for any amount of time that we needed seperate kitchens. We still have issues such as the AC getting shut off every chance they get. That drives me nuts.. I hate being hot and what the hell they are not paying the stupid bill!!? Sometimes I come home and find things where I didn't leave them. Inlaws leave the 17th over this way.. I just keep telling myself 2 more weeks. I will survive!! The funny thing is.. in some way I will miss them when they leave. How much longer for you?

At 5:16 AM, Blogger Aisha said...

How long is she there for? If its for any longr than three weeks dont bite your tongue. Yes its wonderful she didnt go ballistic that her son married a non-desi girl. Yes its wondrful that she is a generally good person. But she is a human being and we're all flawed. You dont have to feel like you owe her something for the rest of eternity for the fact that she welcomed you and is nice and speaks English infront of you ven though its not natural for her.

My point is that this is your house and you can kindly tell her perhaps. Biting tongue is okay if one is only there for a few weeks. But this is ridiculous and saying, no this is not how it will be don is okay. She may not like it but she will have to accept it. It is your house. This is coming from a dsi who totally understands what you are going through. Really. I have been there.

Hope things get better.

At 8:31 AM, Blogger wayfarer said...

i think all desi mil's do this lol....

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Baji said...

Surviving-tell me about it!

Fidget- Yes! Same mentality, though I have a hard time understanding how she was ever as poor as she claims with good education, world travels and servants :-)

Mystic and Jaycie- It does feel like forever...three months down and two to go!

Aisha-I just can't. If my hubby is unsuccessful, how could I be? But, I am afraid of what this silence is doing. "killing me softly"

Wayfarer-really???? Yours saves all things garbage as well???

At 6:15 PM, Blogger J Lev said...

Good lord.... if that ever happened to me.. i'd die. :\ Ughhhhh. That's so weird. I'd do what Surviving suggested. Just before the garbage truck comes, throw out everything quickly. Can you put a sticker on your mailbox that says "no junk mail"? Or better yet, tear up and punch holes all over the containers, that way she can't claim that they're useful in any way.

I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's hard for me to understand how people can be so nosy. If i was a MIL i'd never snoop in my bahu's cupboards and garbage... The thought of it embarrasses me.

At 6:59 PM, Blogger J Lev said...

by the way, Baji do you have a flickr account?

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Baji said...

Hi J. No, no flickr account.

At 2:28 PM, Blogger wayfarer said...

Not all the garbage lol but basically anything useful - jars, bags, etc. She's not that bad lol but i've seen some other mils who save everything...scraps of tin foil, sandwich baggies etc...

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like something my mil would do. Hey, you made it past the 6 week mark without freaking out..I never made it that far. It's ok for you to make some rules in your home. Throw them out and just smile and act like it's no big deal and laugh when she says something about it.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

My bestfriend was just complaining about her MIL today and I thought of you lol, she moved in with them and also saves everything and gets mad now that my friend just throws it away if it gets too much. lol.

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaykum

Lol! your blog is hilarous although I shouldnt really laugh at your expense, Sorry. But Totally understand - my Ma, Allah bless her is like that, all I'll say is at least your MIL is temporary. Not that I dont love my Ma, I do but Ive found like others have mentioned it does stem from habits theyv had growing up and the mentality they were brought up with. This whole 'hoarding' mentality I think stems from the lack of amenities they had growing up so they always think they have to save everything (I have to admit Im getting into the hoarding habit- but I need to REFORM OR IL END UP LIKE THAT! :o-

Get your DH to take her out, once shes gone get rid of all the stuff and put itin one of your neighbours trash cans. I know you could carry on ignoring it - but it is making you crazy plus I think sometimes telling them that they do have to change, because we cant hide. just try and tell her in the besy way you can but she doesnt seem to listen to you so speak to DH and hopefully shel listen to him. He seems the only way that you can get her to listen - and DUA!

inshaAllah the remaining days go by fast!

x x


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