
Then Comes a Baby Carriage

We moved here a few days ago. I don't even know which day it is. I have been so busy with unpacking and organizing, that I just don't know which day it is anymore. It has been six weeks since I have had to wake up to an alarm clock! It has been so long since I have had a period in my life where I did not work.

Being a SAHW is not easy! I can't even imagine doing it with kids. Good practce, though. Now that I am far away from family and friends and playing house in the new and bigger space, I am thinking more and more about babies.

My hubby freaked out when I stopped taking the b/c pills even though we had talked about it. My prescrip. had run out and we had changed insurance cos. So we discussed how it really isn't good for me to continue taking the pill. So I set up an appt. with a gyn. to discuss options.

The gyn. was a very nice Arab woman. She seemed very curious-asking a lot of peronal questions. I explained to her my concerns. Suddenly I become a "pre-conception" patient. She tells me that the best option for me is to use rhythm method and condoms and "if you get pregnant, well you are married.."

She sent me to the lab for some tests (RH, Thyroid, etc) and a prescription for prenatal vitamins. I was happy and on a high. For once in my life, I started to see myself as a woman capable of carrying child; rather than child trying to play "woman".

What I was left with: A very expensive lab bill, an unused prescription, an angry husband who didn't want to have intercourse for fear of impregnating me.

I was so upset. A friend advised me to put everything on hold, because of the move, etc. She reminded me that we need to be on the same page. She was right. I called the doctor for a birth control pill prescription.

I wasn't trying to get pregnant, I was merely trying an alternative, albeit a not as safe, method.

My inlaws are starting to lay it on THICK. Every conversation is about when we are going to start our family. Did y'all deal with this?? My SIL is even encouraging me to just stop taking the pill-which I would NEVER do.


At 11:26 PM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

Tell your husband.

"You never get ready to have baby and Its never too early to have a baby !"

Just get it !. Its the most beautiful thing in the world.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

I wanted to get on the pill when I first got married but my husband was against it b/c he works for the CDC (Center for Disesase Control) and a friend of his had told him about a study of the severity of some of the side effects. A friend of mine actually gainede 80 pounds on it (and lost it once she got off) another friend much mor tragically had a blood clot in her lung from it. So I've never used it and I've beeen married amost 4 years and no baby yet!

I feel the same way as you. I'm very much thinking of babies... but the hubbs says wait till law school.. plus he needs to grow up as well :)

Ignore the family crap :) They wont be raising the baby YOU ARE. We got talked into so many things like BUY A HOUSE BUY A HOUSE... and all this other stuff.... and its like are you going to live our life, or are we? A baby is a kid is a teenager is an adult who will be your child forever. So if you're not of an age where its a state of "do it now or its too late" relax and enjoy it... one day it'll seem like a dream :)

At 1:23 AM, Blogger Jaycie said...

Well I agree with mystic.. you are never really ready. I thought I was ready.. I was wrong. haha Anyway I have never been on birth control either. Haven't had any unplanned pregnancies here.. I guess you could always be that 1% though. :)

At 3:38 PM, Blogger Baji said...

Mystic, Aisha and Jaycie,

Thank you for your comments. Everyone tells me that there is never a ggod time to plan. You never have the time, space, money, etc. I think we will get there soon enough. In the meanwhile, we enjoy each other :-)

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

exactly:) How old ar eyou just out of curiosity... I'm 26... I figure I have at least 2 years before I panic.... the thing is kashif alawyas syas "when you're done with law school" .. but I think then you have to actually use the degree so it wont get dusty and useless... and then you have to ofcourse wok at least 3 years... and then... when does it end?

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Baji said...

Hi. Yes, this is a sensitive issue for me as well. I am 30. I have been married for almost three years. I have a graduate degree and have worked for the past 5-6 years. I thought that I had a solid career path. Now that I have moved, it doesn't seem so solid...

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

oh I'm sorry about your career thing... but the good thing is w/ 5-6 yeras experience it will be easier to get back in after kids right? Whenever you have them.

Forgive me for being so nosy by the way.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Baji said...

Sweetie, you are not being nosy. I wouldn't post such personal thoughts unless I wanted people to know. I hope that the 5-6 years will make a difference. I think that the bottom line is that it is never easy for women and there is never a perfect time.

At 10:32 AM, Blogger mystic-soul said...

Isn't woman should avoid if possible to have babies beyond age 35 to avoid Down syndrome. Just for my curiosity - first of all is it true? what's the update on it?

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Baji said...

Yes, the later you wait, the more risks you face. But, we do plan on "starting" in the next year or so. I just think we should start sooner than later. BTW, my mom was 35 when she had me and his was 33.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aisha --

As you mentioned pill is not safe for women then what kind of contraceptives are? I can't use Condoms with my husband as it take out all the romance and fun out of you know what.

Baji, keep blogging. I love your style.

At 3:22 PM, Blogger Aisha said...

I guess "maria" its all about perspective and what works for each individual person. I didnt meant to preach that women shouldnt use it. I just mentioned what I knew about it.


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